
laura dekker

世界着名的荷兰/新西兰水手Laura Dekker,16岁时成为世界上环游世界和成为全球头条新闻的最年轻人,长期以来一直是小型轻量级充气帆船MiniCat的忠实粉丝,自2010年以来也一直是我们双体船的代言人。

2009年,劳拉在她的史诗般的航程中第一次遇到MiniCat,同时在巴拿马停留,当时她正在观看一艘小型充气帆船MiniCat 310航行并自己尝试过。她喜欢它,并很快成为了MiniCat的骄傲拥有者,并且将她的MINICAT船一直收藏在她的游艇'Guppy'上,可以随时享受帆船的乐趣。

她与MiniCat合作设计她自己的最畅销的MiniCat 420型号,并共同设计了420Laura Dekker限量版。

MiniCat 420 Laura Dekker是一款令人兴奋的高科技限量版充气帆船双体船,其设计基于我们最受欢迎的帆船MiniCat 420 Evoque,采用碳纤维材质,哑光表面,双色桅杆,精美夺目的风帆设计&jib和新设计的刺绣Laura Dekker标志的蹦床。

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MiniCat 420 Laura Dekker将吸引那些喜欢新颖的顾客,因为这款帆船会在众多的普通帆船中脱颖而出。


"Yesterday, I saw someone assembling a MiniCat. A really small, inflatable catamaran. My sister and I went over and we asked if we could have a sail with it. Well, we did and are just back. It was very funny. It sails extremely well if you keep in mind that it is an inflatable sailboat……..Kim and I also went sailing with the MiniCat again. The wind blew pretty strong and we sailed really super-super-fast. Even Kim started to like it! Normally she does not like sailing too much."

... and few weeks later ...

"Not long ago, I wrote that I sailed with an inflatable catamaran MiniCat with my sister. Due to some coincidences, I will be the owner of my very own MiniCat soon, and then I will enjoy speeding around even when lying at anchor. I will do a little bit of advertising: It sails really well and it is very fast. It is easy to assemble and the boat is very well thought out so you do not need much storage space if you are not living near to the sea. It can be carried along in one big bag. Usually advertisements are very much exaggerated but this one really says it like it is. I have seen and sailed numerous inflatable catamarans and this one really stands above them all."

"Since the first time I saw a MiniCat being sailed I was so impressed at how so much fun could be had from an inflatable sailboat that you could carry in a bag. I was very excited to collaborate on the design of the new MiniCat and for it to have my name. I am sure that the owners of this great little boat will have as much fun as I do sailing it..."

LAURA DEKKER, the youngest person who sailed single-handedly around the world